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How Did Darth Maul Survive Phantom Menace

Darth Maul's Saga: Survival and Rise after The Phantom Menace

A Tale of Hatred and Revenge

Origins of Maul's Hatred

As depicted in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Darth Maul's survival stemmed from his intense hatred for Obi-Wan Kenobi, who bisected him at the end of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Summoning his fury, Maul stubbornly clung to life, enduring the agony of being discarded into a desolate landfill.

Lotho Minor and Subsisting on Vermin

Darth Maul's Desperate Survival

Maul's broken body was eventually dumped on the junk planet Lotho Minor, where he spent years subsisting on vermin and feral creatures. His physical pain and isolation only served to fuel his thirst for vengeance against Kenobi.

Rediscovery by Savage Opress

A Brother's Connection

Maul's existence on Lotho Minor was discovered by his brother, the formidable Savage Opress. Recognizing Maul's broken state but still driven by their shared animosity towards the Jedi, Savage rescued his sibling and began to rebuild his strength.

Return to Menace

Maul's Clone Wars Resurrection

With Savage's aid, Maul regained his physical form and embarked on a quest for revenge. He confronted Kenobi numerous times during the Clone Wars, proving himself to be a formidable adversary despite his injuries. Maul's hatred and determination sustained him, driving him to seek recompense for his past defeat.

Final Demise

Maul's Ultimate Fate

Darth Maul's journey culminated in a climactic duel with his nemesis Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Tatooine. In a moment of poetic justice, Kenobi dealt the final blow, ending Maul's reign of terror and extinguishing the flame of his hatred forever.
